The Test of Time

We thought we’d share some products that we’ve been using, or are certain we will continue to use for over 1 year (which, considering our son is only 2+ years, is a large portion of his life so far). Hopefully this will help others who are expecting or have littler ones…

ERGO baby carrier (used for 22+ months)

We didn’t start off with the Ergo because it was expensive, but we regret having spent money on cheaper carriers instead of going with this one from the start. I think we got it when he was around 6 months old and we still use it today, although considering our height/weight and his height/weight, those days are finally wearing thin. Bottom line is that this is the most comfortable carrier but with one drawback- no front-facing. However, the back-carry has been absolutely worth its weight in gold even if it’s a little difficult to put on.

Safety 1st Recline n Grow Booster Seat (used for 22+ months)

We received this item before he was born and have been using it ever since he started solids at 5.5 months. It is still going strong today! It straps on to any chair (fully adjustable) so it’s a space saver. It is easy to clean, the back is adjustable, the “feet” are adjustable, and it is so easy and convenient to travel with. We love this seat and couldn’t imagine ever needing another chair.

KidCo PeaPod Plus Travel Bed (plan to use for at least 2 years)

I’ll disclaim this first by saying that a) we used a pack n play for the first year and it had its benefits and b) we know some kids just don’t like this item, but ours loves it. We’ve been using it for a few months now and foresee using it until he’s past 3, maybe even 4 years old. It’s his “sleeping tent”, perfect for travel since it’s small and lightweight, helps keep light out and minimize distractions for nap and bedtime. It’s our must-have for vacations or sleep-overs now and had we known how awesome it would be, we would’ve registered for it from the start.

Green Sprouts Straw Cups (used for 20+ months)

This is our cup of choice and we have 5 of them in various colors. We started using straw cups at around 8 or 9 months old since he wouldn’t take a sippy. We’ve tried at least 5 different brands and this is by far our favorite. Very easy to clean, even dishwasher safe (cup and lid go up top and straw can go in with the utensils or you can easily clean with a pipe cleaner) They are the most leak-free, although as with all straw cups, very cold liquid in a warm house may come out of the straw due to pressure. Loosening the cap slightly usually solves this problem. He can open and close the straw cap by himself.

Organic fruit and veggie pouches (used for 18+ months)

Every now and then, our son will deign to eat a vegetable, but he’ll never turn down a suckable sweet puree like these, which contain a full serving of veggies with no artificial additives. Plus they are very convenient to travel with and frequently found on sale ($1 a pouch) at BRU. It’s been over a year now and he still loves them. You can also feed on a spoon to the younger ones, or mix into yogurt smoothies- mmm, healthy!

Chicco Umbrella Stroller (used for 24+ months)

This is pretty much the only stroller we have ever used/needed. We began when he was 4 months old and today, he will crawl into it himself and all but buckle himself in. It is not the most wonderful stroller in the world, but it’s been perfect for us- around 10lbs, collapsible, has a small storage compartment underneath, a shade (which we don’t use anymore since he likes to wear hats), and comes in nice bright colors. It’s hardy enough for a little off-roading and the tires are a little bigger than other comparable strollers we’ve seen.

GroVia Hybrid Diapers (used for 20+ months)

These are our diaper of choice. Using a hybrid was a compromise- we started off with gDiapers and they started leaking and becoming a pain at around 8 months. Then we got these and haven’t looked back. There are two parts- a cute cloth cover and a sticky insert with great coverage. Leaks are pretty much a thing of the past now. The velco has held up wonderfully for over a year and they’re still looking and feeling great. They’re total space-savers, too- we can pack just 4 covers and 2 handfuls of little folded inserts for a weekend trip.

Halo Early Walker Sleep Sack (used for 14+ months)

Let me first say that this thing looks weird/funny, but for us it’s been a lifesaver because it keeps him out of his diaper! So if you’ve got a kid like ours who thinks it’s his job to put a hand down there or pull the diaper off, you might want to get one of these. Another bonus is that can be worn for extra warmth in cold months, especially if your kid is prone to chucking their blanket out of the crib. Comes in a lightweight mesh or fleece.

Melissa & Doug Stacking Train

We don’t know what it is about this toy, but for the last 18+ months, he hasn’t gotten sick of it.

Anything our readers want to add in the comments? Products that you’ve been using for over a year?

11 responses to “The Test of Time

  1. Oh my gosh, baby J also loves his stacking train. It’s so great. And I feel the same way about the Ergo – we waited a while to buy it and now I find it indispensable, though I wish I could more easily put him on my back without help. I’m curious about the GroVias but we use the Flip inserts instead, as we already had covers – and I’d say, in the diapering realm, that those Flip covers and inserts (both cloth and disposable) are in our favorites and long-lasting category. We also LOVE our Fuzzibunz. They just fit him so well. Other things we still use a lot: his Britax carseat, this big tunic-like bib from Austin Kids, all soft, stretchy cotton pants.

  2. We love our Ergo! I mean, LOVE it.

  3. I love our Ergo! Use it every day. Actually considering getting another to put one on front and one on back but i think it might kill me 🙂
    Thanks for the other suggestions!

  4. we love our ergo(s) too. best baby carrier ever.
    gotta go check out the train now…

  5. reproducinggenius

    Yep, the Ergo is the very best (we also got ours around 6 months), although early on, my favorite was the Sleepy Wrap (better than a Moby because it’s so stretchy, and he would sleep and sleep in that thing).

    BG loves his M&D stacking train as well. He just got it for his birthday actually, and when he opened it up, he said, “Oh my gosh! Choo Choo Train!” It was priceless.

    Glad to see the review of the peapod. BG has definitely outgrown all other travel beds, and we’ve been kind of freaking out since he’s clearly not ready for a big bed either.

  6. This is great – thanks for posting!

  7. MamaDeux- We, too, like the bibs with more coverage. Haven’t seen the ones you mentioned but we like the ones from IKEA

    Also, I forgot to mention our tub that we’ve used for well over a year

  8. Thank you so much for this post! It’s so great having some tried-and-true product recommendations.

  9. Totally with you on the Ergo and fruit/veggie smoothies. Sometimes those pouches are the only way to get something green into him!

  10. Great list! We are an Ergo family too, and I nearly cried when E started refusing the veggie pouches. They tell me he eats green veggies at school, but at home, I’ve seen him ingest maybe 10 peas in the last 6 months. 😦 What is about that stacking train? E got one for his first birthday and is STILL crazy about it. It’s been my go-to first birthday gift ever since!

  11. I love this post! We felt the same about our Ergo-we got it at 4 months and didn’t know how we lived without it. I did love my moby wrap and ring sling for some things, but the Ergo is my desert island carrier.

    I also couldn’t live without a wet bag. I used it for dirty diapers in the beginning and now for dirty clothes from diaper accidents or messy meals. I always have it on me.

    Along the same lines, I love having a diaper sprayer. Of course, for diapers but also for cleaning out the potty seat.

    For travel, we bought a $20 strap that allows our carseat to attach to a roller bag and turns it into a sort of stroller. Since we bring the carseat on planes, we drag the carseat through the airport and I don’t know what we’d do without the strap.

    Oh, and I also second the fruit and vegetable pouches. Our bean has started eating vegetables a bit more in the last few months but it was a year solid that her only vegetable intake was from the pouches. Lifesaver!

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